Legend has is it that George Washington said, "I can never tell a lie." but in the real world, most people do. Since almost everyone actually does lie, I think that lying is sometimes okay.
When deciding whether you should tell a lie or not, you should look at the situation first, like not telling your friends who you really like or what you really got on the test because you're too scared to hurt their feelings. According to the articles that I've read, people said that "it was OK to lie in certain situations, like protecting someone's feelings." because "we can't always pick honesty without compromising some other value that might be as important." This is basically weighing in the benefit and the consequence of a lie.
Although "every lie has its cost,...once a person finds out you lied, you lose currency in their eyes". It's true that when someone lies to you, it's hard to trust them again; the truth can always hurt one's feelings. People would hate you for being too straight forward and would tell you that you don't have to be honest all the time. It has its pros and cons, and sometimes it’s so hard when you’re in this situation.
Lying has a negative meaning, that, it is not good. But sometimes, given the consequences, we do lie to protect a person from getting hurt; it's basing what is beneficial from harmful. In reality, lying itself is morally wrong, because a person who constantly lies will be deceiving other people and can lead into a habit. Little white lies are intended to benefit someone and not hurt them.