All About Me

October 25, 2014


"He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one has lived to tell what was behind the cloud, but still he climbed."

When he reached the top, he started walking until he saw a bright light on the sky. He followed it and walked carefully and as quiet as he can.
After a long time of walking, he heard music. He followed the sound until he saw people dancing around. A fiesta he thinks.
At first he thought he was back at where he was before, which is reality. But no, this is like a fantasy, a dream come true.
He's town never does fiestas, and all the people hate each other, unless you're family. It’s full of problems and it doesn’t seem to matter if you die or survive. No one really cared about you but yourself. People that have family are lucky... very lucky.
He walked closer and closer. "WELCOME to the land of FANTASY" says the banner.
That's when he realized that he had died in reality and he's living in the world he always wanted to be in, fantasy.

"a cuddly morning"