All About Me

February 2, 2015


 'Bitch', 'Slut', 'Selfish', 'Ugly', 'Annoying', 'Stupid' and many more..

Sometimes people say things, that they don't even think about other people's feelings. Sometimes, they call you all of this because you're too loud or too enthusiastic. Sometimes they don't realize, that what they say can hurt other people too.

Life now is all about drama. You can never be happy without people judging you. You can never be sad without people judging either. You can't do what you love, because you're scared that people would hate you and say all these stuff behind your back.

At times, you try and act like you don't care about what other people say, but deep down you're crashing. You try and put a smile on your face even when you are facing too many obstacles in life just to make other people happy and not worry about you. Sometimes, you try your hardest to keep the positive vibe going, but you just can't with all the stuff people tell you behind your back.

You'll crash down soon, and you'd hate yourself for not keeping up. You break down in front of people, and you mentally slap yourself because you don't want them to worry or care about you. Sometimes, you just sit there to avoid crying in front of your "friends" and everyone thinks that you're being rude. Sometimes you just need to be by yourself but people hate you for it because they think that you're being too selfish. Sometimes, you just don't want to tell anyone what's going on in your life because you're too scared to break down in front of them, and the one and only reason that you hate about breaking down in front of people is that they will judge you. Not understand you, ignore you and talk behind your back.

I just hope that people would realize how hard it is for someone to keep it all up, and that sometimes, all you need is a break... from everything. A break where you can just hang out and and be by yourself.

So if you're going through so much at this moment, put all of you're problems aside and have a 'time-out'. Listen to you're favorite band, stay in your room for as long as you want, eat as many as you can, go online shopping, turn off your phone so people won't bother you, jam out, sing as loud as you can, have a party by yourself, and all the other stuff you want to do. The only thing that you can't do is worry about your problems or think of what others will tell you. Take a break from the real world even just for an hour, and I assure you that you'll fell better than you did before.. not 100% better but at least you had a break.

Just keep on doing 'time-outs' as long and as many as you want and I'm sure that you'll be back and smiling and ready to face the real world again.